• Green-tech DC/solar battery power-regulating device for slide/swing gate operators
  • Usually Ships Following Business Day


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  • Green-tech DC/solar battery power-regulating device for slide/swing gate operators
  • Usually Ships Following Business Day
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The US Automatic 520001 DC Battery Controller serves as a charging apparatus for DC batteries, particularly for solar application slide or swing-gate operators.
-Developed with a focus on sustainability, it harnesses solar power, with origins from Texas, to regulate the charging of batteries, preventing overcharging and displaying energy levels.
-Features include mounting flanges for installation, an LED-digital-character programming/status screen, and compatibility with various battery types (SLA, FLD, GEL, ADM).
-Additional functionalities include a USB power outlet controller, float charging at 13.8 / 27.6 vdc, and a maximum solar panel capacity of 130 watts.
-It is intended as a replacement for the USAutomatic 520006 2 Amp AC Charger / Charge Controller, with specifications tailored specifically for solar-powered and DC-powered applications, excluding lithium-ion batteries.