Benefits of Colored Weather Seals

A home is an extension of the homeowner, so don’t cut corners when it comes to the appearance of a front door or garage! When looks are just as important as functionality, you can depend on Action’s colored weather seals to make your customer’s entry points both weatherproof and stylish! Read on to learn the benefits and colors of our weatherstripping to maximize home improvement. 

What are the Benefits of Weather Seals? 

Weather seals are practical as much as they are stylish. Even when a door is shut, small gaps around the door frame lets air leak into a home or business, which can cause unnecessary utility bills. These gaps can also allow insects, dust, debris and the elements like rain and snow to slip inside and potentially harm a building's interior.

Action’s weatherstripping vinyl weather seals block off these openings to protect a customer’s home or business. They can be used to seal the sides or top of a door for residential and commercial entry points. Don’t let a door’s natural faults cost you a positive Google review—installing our weather seals will ensure customer satisfaction for a job well done. Whether you need stylish weatherstripping for a front door or garage door, we have you covered.

What Colors Do Action Weather Seals Come In? 

Action’s weather seals are available in many different colors, such as white, grey, black, bronze, almond and sandstone. These seals are designed to fit our standard aluminum retainers and standard rolling/steel clip-on retainers. They can be used to complement wood trim, or the door itself. If you need a specific shade or color, our Mill finished retainers can be painted to match a door’s aesthetics as well.

What are Action's Weather Seals Made of? 

Action’s colored weather seals are made with vinyl, which is a plastic commonly known as PVC and extensively used for its durability against extreme temperatures and time. It’s a flexible material, so it won’t crack or warp after installation. Vinyl is made from the polymerization of the vinyl chloride monomer. This creates chains out of the monomers called polymers, which are then processed into plastics like PVC. Vinyl is well-known for how cost-effective and versatile it is, while being a strong material resistant to moisture. It’s one of the most used thermoplastic materials in the world, so you can trust it to protect entry points for years.

When to Use Colored Weather Seals? 

While EPDM rubber weather seals are more heavy-duty and can stand against extreme environments more efficiently than vinyl, they lack the variety of colors that vinyl offers. If aesthetics are just as important as functionality, you can still get great protection without sacrificing appearances by using vinyl seals.

Take Action on All Your Entry Point Needs!

Action Industries has every part for every door. If you’re looking into installing weatherstripping, why not browse our weather seal kits? We also carry top brands and garage hardware to fit whatever job you need.